B - series ▍品牌 美術紙 絨綿紙 NATU
STL Rag®
耐破度 kpa > 3
紙如其名 - 絨棉般的觸感及色彩調性 , NATU 是獨特而精緻的美術紙。 保留了紙張表面最原始的質感 , 傳達原生紙張的美。 240gsm 但有著42 T 的厚度 , 高蓬鬆 , 韌性高等特性. 展現極致打凸及壓痕的效果。
【薔白 】【 米 】【 鬆灰 】【柏棕 】 【丹紅 】【鳶藍 】【 杉綠 】【蘆棕】【荊黑】
基重: 240gsm 條數: 42T
# 耐破度 kpa > 3
NATU PAPER is an unique and delicate paper. We designed it to illustrate paper's primitive nature and convey it's beauty through simplicity. NATU has soft cotton like touch with non - furbished paper surfaces . it's high-bulk characteristic provides excellent paper resilience and exquisite embossing results. NATU will stimulate any contemplative designs.